Our cryptocurrency project was born from a familiar frustration: arriving at an event without cash and facing a sea of cash-only vendors. This common experience sparked the idea for a cryptocurrency tailored for events, festivals, and markets. We saw others share this frustration and envisioned a solution that transcends cash limitations. Our vision was to create a currency that not only facilitates transactions but also nurtures a community of makers, innovators, and patrons.

From this spark, our cryptocurrency was born—a medium of freedom and expression designed to empower the creative community. It offers secure transfers, anonymity, and ease of use, allowing seamless transactions from person to person, business to business, and person to business. Our journey from idea to reality was driven by the belief that access to creativity and community should never be hindered by physical barriers. We're not just overcoming the inconvenience of cash transactions; we're creating a platform where creativity thrives and connections are made. Welcome to our world, where every transaction is a brushstroke on the canvas of our collective creativity!

Cultivating Creativity
The Cryptocurrency Crafting a New Economy for Creatives, Vendors, & Event Goers!


Our mission is to empower the vibrant community of artists, crafters, creators, farmers, and innovators by providing a seamless, secure, and sustainable financial ecosystem. Leveraging the advanced capabilities of the Solana Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Technology, we aim to revolutionize how transactions are conducted at events, festivals, craft fairs, farmers markets, and more. We are committed to removing financial barriers; enhancing accessibility; increasing privacy, anonymity, and security; reducing fraud; and fostering a global network of creative and entrepreneurial spirits. Through DHC, we strive to support and celebrate the unique contributions of our community, ensuring that every transaction not only facilitates economic exchange but also strengthens the bonds of creativity and collaboration.

Our vision

To become the preferred payment method at events worldwide, fostering a thriving ecosystem where creativity & commerce flourish together.

As we embark on this journey together, these values serve as the foundation of DHC, shaping a community-driven, innovative, & purposeful cryptocurrency that empowers creativity & connectivity.

Creativity Unleashed:

  • Celebrate diverse talents, providing a digital canvas for unique expressions.

  • Empower individuals to showcase, share, and profit from their talents.


  • Believe in the power of community to inspire, support, and elevate each other.

  • Connect individuals, fostering a sense of belonging and collaboration among users, vendors, and investors.

Accessibility for All:

  • Empower inclusivity, ensuring everyone can participate and benefit from our ecosystem.

  • Create a level playing field for all participants, regardless of background or location.

Innovation as a Driving Force:

  • Embrace innovation to propel our cryptocurrency forward.

  • Ensure a cutting-edge cryptocurrency for users, vendors, and investors through technological advancements.


  • Operate with transparency, honesty, and accountability in every transaction.

  • Uphold the highest ethical standards to protect the rights of creatives, vendors, and investors.

Our Values

DHC is driven by a set of foundational values that shape our vision, guide our decisions, & define our commitment to the community we serve. These values reflect our dedication to fostering creativity, inclusivity, innovation, & integrity within the dynamic world of events, festivals, markets, and more.

Security & Privacy:

  • Prioritize the security and privacy of users' transactions and information.

  • Provide a secure and confidential environment using advanced blockchain technology.

Sustainable Empowerment:

  • Build a sustainable financial ecosystem that empowers individuals and businesses.

  • Aim for a positive contribution to the environment in all operations.

Transparency & Trust:

  • Foster open communication and transparency to build trust within our community.

  • Ensure a trustworthy and reliable cryptocurrency experience for all stakeholders.

Continuous Improvement:

  • Commit to continuous improvement, seeking feedback and evolving our ecosystem to meet community needs.

  • Prioritize user-driven enhancements and innovations for a dynamic and responsive ecosystem.

A Collaborative Canvas:

  • Our community is a collaborative canvas where creativity knows no bounds. Artists showcase their talents, vendors find new avenues, and investors contribute to the growth of this digital masterpiece.

Supportive Connections:

  • We value each member of our community and believe in the power of support. Whether you're an artist looking to showcase your work, a vendor seeking new opportunities, or an investor joining us on this exciting journey, you are an integral part of our shared success.

Inclusive Gathering:

  • DHC is more than a cryptocurrency ecosystem; it's a gathering place for a diverse array of individuals. We embrace inclusivity, welcoming creators and enthusiasts from all backgrounds and corners of the globe.

Collaborative Growth:

  • Together, we cultivate an environment of collaborative growth. The success of one enriches the entire community. We encourage collaboration, partnerships, and shared experiences that contribute to the collective prosperity of our ecosystem.

An Ecosystem Tailored for You:

  • DHC is your custom financial ecosystem, where ideas flourish, connections thrive, and dreams find support. Whether you're a user, vendor, or investor, your participation shapes the character and direction of our community.

Engagement & Interaction:

  • We encourage active engagement and interaction within our community. Share your experiences, offer feedback, and connect with fellow members. Your voice is the driving force behind the continuous improvements in your ecosystem.

Empowering Each Other:

  • Through empowerment, we uplift each other. Users find connections in DHC’s community to express themselves, vendors discover new markets, and investors contribute to a thriving financial ecosystem. Our collective empowerment is the cornerstone of DHC.

Welcome to the Heart of DeadHead Coin Our Vibrant & Diverse Community!

DHC recognizes that the strength of our ecosystem lies in the connections forged among creatives, artists, crafters, creators, farmers, vendors, investors, & every participant who contributes to the spirit & essence of creativity & innovation.

As we journey together into a realm of creativity, connectivity, and innovation, we extend our deepest gratitude to each member of our community. Your passion, contributions, and unique perspectives shape the soul of DHC.

Join us, as we create, connect & grow - a united community making history in the world of digital currencies

Our team

Our strength lies in our individuality. Set up by Esther Bryce, the team strives to bring in the best talent in various fields, from architecture to interior design and sales.

woman wearing black scoop-neck long-sleeved shirt
woman wearing black scoop-neck long-sleeved shirt
Esther Bryce

Founder / Interior designer

woman in black blazer with brown hair
woman in black blazer with brown hair
Lianne Wilson


man standing near white wall
man standing near white wall
Jaden Smith


woman smiling wearing denim jacket
woman smiling wearing denim jacket
Jessica Kim


woman wearing black scoop-neck long-sleeved shirt
woman wearing black scoop-neck long-sleeved shirt
Esther Bryce

Founder / Interior designer

woman in black blazer with brown hair
woman in black blazer with brown hair
Lianne Wilson


man standing near white wall
man standing near white wall
Jaden Smith


woman smiling wearing denim jacket
woman smiling wearing denim jacket
Jessica Kim
